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3 Common Causes of a Voided Roofing Warranty


A modern-day roofing system can provide years of trouble-free protection against elements like heat, wind, hail and snow. Nonetheless, there are common pitfalls that inexperienced roofers fall into that can end up voiding your warranty - which will leave you unprotected should something go amiss.

Here are three mistakes you should avoid in order to keep your roofing warranty valid.

1. Installing new shingles over old ones: Unfortunately, there are a lot of "budget" roofers out there who cut corners in order to save on the cost of labor. However, deciding not to completely tear off your old roof and installing new shingles directly over old ones can cost you a lot more in the long run as it can shorten the lifespan of your new shingles and void your warranty.

2. Having inadequate ventilation: Ventilation in the attic is crucial to the performance and longevity of your roof. If this space is not adequately ventilated, it can bring about a host of costly problems, including buckled shingles, warped sheathing and mildew growth - all of which will cost thousands of dollars to repair and will likely not be covered by warranties.

3. Using non-system components: It might seem harmless to install replacement shingles from one company and use starter shingles, underlayment or hip and ridge from another, but it will almost certainly void the warranty on your roof. Simply, one manufacturer will not cover parts from a different manufacturer. This is why you should make sure that your roofing contractor complies with single system installation.

You can count on A1 Quality Roofing, Inc. for a wide range of top-quality roofing solutions, including replacing and waterproofing roof systems. Our products and services also come with some of the strongest warranties on the market today. Give us a call at (951) 877-4406, or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment.


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